Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Save my music!!!

I just got the greatest feeling... it's like I DO make a difference in this world. *tear*.

...Or at least, on this campus.

See, last year I had all the 80s music videos on my F drive, right? Well, that's ten CDs of music videos. Quite a bit. So during the Great Emptying of '06, they were all deleted. I was prepared for this, and put them all back on within about a week or so. Well, a second time they were deleted, this time with a "Cease and Desist" notice from Dane. (I don't know how to spell desist.) Fine, no more videos. Instead, I got a load of music from A-Jay and uploaded all THAT. That's been fun; it keeps me from losing my mind while writing papers, and the like. People love seeing me dancin' along to Bohemian Rhapsody, or whatever I might be listening to at that point.

*Deep inhale*

I just got a notice in my mailbox: They've put a 100 MB limit on all F drive folders. As it turns out, 5 hours of 80s music equals about 350 MB. Herein lies the issue. I don't WANNA delete it all, and I don't WANNA choose. Immediately after voicing my problem, I've already gotten 4 offers to spill my music off into thier folders as well, keeping the music and keeping us all under 100 MB. I love these people sometimes. Call it a victory, not for me, not for the computer lab or F drive, but for the 80s in general. Call it a victory for music. A victory against Cuddleback's music bans from dances. A victory against the Christendom bubble.
Ok, I've finished.

I'm a little loopy. It's 6:45 PM, I've got a paper and a test tomorrow, and I've worked on neither. Am I freaking out? Not as much as I was on Monday and Tuesday. Hell, I'm downright RELAXED at this point. In 24 hours, I will be officially on Fall break AND playing poker. Who could ask for anything more? Ok, granted, I could be going to Wisconsin as opposed to home, but I just need to be patient in that respect. It'll happen. But one thing at a time. I'll see you soon enough, sweetheart.

How's Rome, Rome students? Good? Bad? Ok, cool, cool. Glad to hear it. NO... WAY...! You are KIDDING me! I won't believe it until I see it.
YOU shut up, don't start with me. No, shut UP I said!

Ok, the guys are going outside to smoke, and I'm going to follow them like the sheep that I am because, let's face it, I have no will of my out.
